Ron Hull Demolition have had a very busy start to 2022!
We carry out demolition works across all sectors undertaking projects throughout the UK from small assignments to large-scale projects that all come with their individual challenges.
Below are some of our ongoing and recently completed projects to demonstrate the scope and versatility of our work.
Major Asbestos Removal & Demolition of Buildings at Former University Campus
Due to an already established relationship with our client Ron Hull Demolition have been awarded the contract to demolish various large buildings on a former university campus site.
The redevelopment will include the demolition, conversion and extension of several large university buildings in order to allow the development of up to 170 affordable homes.
The project is expected to be complete by Summer 2023.
Former Maltby Colliery Site, South Yorkshire
The scope involved dismantling by mobile crane and processing the redundant external overhead gantry crane at the former Maltby Colliery site in South Yorkshire.
Resulting scrap metal was loaded into bulk containers and removed off site utilising Ron Hull Junior's fleet of vehicles and transported back for recycling to our Mangham works recycling facility in Rotherham.

Preparation work begins on Major Regeneration Project of the Former ABC Cinema in Wakefield City Centre
Following a competitive tendering process we have taken possession of the former art deco ABC Cinema building in Wakefield to prepare for the asbestos removal and demolition as part of a wider multi-million pound plan to improve the city centre.
The redevelopment of the area from Chantry roundabout to the ABC cinema site has begun with preliminary works to prepare for demolition, this will be completed by the end of Summer 2002, followed by temporary public open space being created for local residents, by the summer.

Removal & Disposal of Engine Plant Assembly Lines at Major UK Automotive Facility
Ron Hull Demolition have been awarded the demolition package to demolish a former major UK automotive facility. The site area covers more than 475 acres in total.
The contract involves the removal and disposal of the engine plant assembly lines, this 15,000 m2 area covers only a small proportion of the building size. An element of the works involves the stripping out of the old plant machinery within the vicinity of new production lines.
It is estimated a total of 5,000 tonnes of plant and machinery will be processed throughout and transported for recycling back into the foundries for reuse in the future.